Under the guise of having fun, we will challenge you to improve your bridge knowledge and grow your game.... all while enjoying the vacation you deserve!
-Silvana Morici

Silvana Morici's Fabulous Bridge Lessons on Hosted Cruises through Bridge Holidays
SILVANA MORICI is known for her easy, fun and effective lesson style that focuses on the logic of bridge rather than memory.
Through extensive years of experience teaching players at every level of the game, she always takes great care to create exciting lessons for her bridge cruise family.
Her lectures and lessons cover a wide variety of topics on bidding, playing, defending and strategy.
Every topic covered is accompanied by printed supportive notes that are distributed at each lecture or lesson.
Some topics include practice hands, too!
Here are some of samples we think you will enjoy:
-The Seven Deadly Sins of Bidding
-How the Law of Total Tricks Affects Your Life
-Go Forward with Reversing
-Location, Location, Location
-Doubles You Never Thought Of
-Only Perverts Repeat Five-Card Suits
-Position Matters
-How to Take More Tricks
-Winning Finesses
-Cuebids...Because You're Fancy
Bridge Program on HOSTED CRUISES
(This means that Silvana Morici will accompany and lead the group, Bridge events take place EVERY DAY, and partnerships are guaranteed)
Each ship and voyage itinerary determines the bridge schedule.​ This is because we use luxury ships that do not have dedicated conference spaces or card rooms to hold our groups. This means each ship must allocate a restaurant for our use. Depending on the vessel, some prefer us to start and end our events at different times. The final schedule must be approved by each ship individually and usually doesn't get final approval before 30 days of any sailing.
Here is a good idea of what to expect:
On Port Days, bridge games/lessons will begin approximately at 1:30pm if our port arrival time is before 11:30am. On days when the port arrival is after 11:30am, we play in the mornings, so you can maximize your visit ashore.
On Sea Days, we offer bridge TWICE! Once in the mornings and again in the afternoon. The lesson is usually after lunch, before the afternoon game. Sometimes, the lesson is held in the early evenings, if the excursions offered run later than 1:30pm. We make every attempt to allow you to get it all in!
Daily ACBL-sanctioned Duplicate
awarding Silver Masterpoints®
Picture yourself playing bridge in a large room with floor-to-ceiling windows facing out to the sea, the ship gently gliding to the next port. Your opponents smile when they come to your table and ask where you're from. The directors keep the game moving and results are computer-generated within minutes after the end of the game. You'll love the friendly ambience and the opportunity to meet bridge players from all over the world. This is also one of the most wonderful ways to collect the elusive Silver Points needed to become a Life Master.
We play both pair duplicate and swiss team games (with 5+ tables), depending on whether we are in port or cruising at sea for the day. We will assist in pairing partnerships and grouping teams, too. We always guarantee a partner, so you will always be included.
This is a bridge player's heaven!
Social Bridge
For those who prefer a more casual atmosphere, we organize social games. Lots of fun!
Need a Bridge Partner?
You'll have your choice of several partners on many different levels, either for the entire cruise or just a one-time partnership... guaranteed!
Bridge Program on UNHOSTED CRUISES
(This means the director is assigned by the ship and bridge will be organized on sea days only. Partnerships are not guaranteed).
The assigned director will host a meet & greet on your first evening so you can get to know each other and meet other bridge players traveling with you.
Here is a good idea of what to expect:
On Port Days, Social Bridge is an option that you can arrange with your new bridge friends. You decide when to play and the ship will have a designated card room or area for you to meet. Sometimes, the ship will post a time to meet to play bridge, too!​
On Sea Days, Lessons are in the mornings and the game is in the afternoon! The ships' assigned director will teach a Beginner lesson (this included NEW to bridge students) and an Intermediate lesson, usually back-to-back. Later, after lunch, there will be an​ ACBL sanctioned Duplicate Game awarding Black Masterpoints®.